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  • Writer's pictureArran Cheetham

Sony A7C for Street Photography

Hey Guys, welcome back to TOGRAPHYFEELZ. In this post I want to talk about my new Sony A7C for street photography. Its a new camera so I am still figuring a few things out but I can already tell, im going to love this camera. Let's dive in!


I will start by saying how much I loved my Nikon Z6. The files that camera produced are hands down the best files I've ever seen or worked with. My issues began with the Nikon when my daughter was born and I wanted a camera smaller and easier to pick up and shoot the important moments with her. That also made me think about walking the streets of Bangkok with my Nikon and being very hot and sweaty with my large Pro Tactic backpack or even my smaller Lowepro messenger bag. It was time for a change of camera again, unfortunately.

So, I made the decision to jump into the Sony system and specifically the A7C! Wow, is all I can say. Its has shocked me to say the least. Small form factor and portability, super lightweight and great looks (that's important, you know it). I had expected or maybe accepted a reduce in image quality over the Nikon but honestly, the difference is negligible. The A7C is rocking that amazing 24MP sensor found in the extremely good A7iii and its definitely deserving of all its praise. What a sensor!

All of the images in this blog are taken with the A7C and Samyang 75mm F1.8. As you can see, the images have a beautiful quality to them. They are really easy to work with, and the colours are amazing. I believe Sony tweaked the colour science from the A7iii for this A7c and I must admit the colours are really nice. Of course, I have edited these images in LR but still the quality of the colours is easy to see.

Now possibly the most mind blowing thing for me is the Autofocus speed. It's insane. I didn't really understand the hype behind Sonys autofocus because I've never struggled with it on any camera system, however, the difference between the Z6 and this A7C is night and day. Like a whole different world. Instantaneous acquisition, super sticky tracking. Things I didn't know I was missing until I tried it and wow! Well done Sony that's all I can say!

I found the Autofocus just got out of my way when shooting. it was no longer in my head, would it hit focus or not, I just knew it would, and quickly. Remember, im using a third party lens, Samyang 75mm which is also pretty amazing, but I would imagine the autofocus to be even quicker with a native lens. That's mind blowing.

The form factor is another huge bonus of this camera. Small, lightweight, rangefinder style. All with a full frame sensor tucked away in that tiny body? How did Sony do it? I don't know but damn I love it. Add a small lens on the front such as the Samyang tiny series or the new Sony 24,40 or 50 G series. Even the Dg Dn 'I' Series from sigma and you've got insane full frame IQ and a super small and convenient package. Im super impressed and so excited to add a few more lenses to my collection.

During this walk I had to stop by a coffee shop, its kind of a transition for me now. So I figured I would snap some photos with the A7C and see how it performs under artificial lights and with a quick moving barista. Obviously no problems at all and it handled everting with complete ease. Here are a few snaps,

To wrap it up, I wanted to really test the cameras dynamic range and how it handled bright sunshine when coupled with these Samyang lenses. Again wow. I need a new word other than wow, but WOW! Im just amazed by the quality. Colours and dynamic range held up incredibly well and the files have what I would call an artistic quality. Producing some nice lens flare while maintaining contrast and saturation. What an amazing combination, A7C and Samyang lenses are!

So that wraps up my first impressions of the A7C for street photography. Im so impressed with this little camera its really mind blowing that I can image quality this good from such a small set up!

Ive made a video from this first walk, so head over to my Youtube to watch that and please leave a like and comment. Thanks so much for stopping by and reading this blog and i'll hopefully catch your attention with the next one.


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